
Tuesday 10 September 2013

What Can FTII Become?

THE QUESTION OF FTII @ PUNE   ...  one & only   ...   this side of  IDHEC PARIS :

"We” interact with “Reality”   ...   not to satisfy some bourgeois, banal self interest, ours or anyone else’s   ...  but in order to “Change It”   ...  In this “Regarde” if you are not “Us”   ...  then you are  the “Them”   ...  remember this  ...   And in case you are hoping that your “Parents” /  “Family”  /  “Private property”  will help you  on the path of “Wisdom”, that they will find you a suitable match in marriage and see to it that your first born in  “Male”   ...   then you have another thing coming  !!  It will be useful to read-up, ”The Origin Of Family, Private Property and the State”   ...   before you take another step towards finding a “Solution” for FTII. Its “People” who make the “Place”  ...   You see.

I have said this in private conversations and I shall say this publicly, “Please gift this FTII as it is  within Prabhat Studio to Maharashtra State; leaving behind the TV section as well as the Wisdom tree; make a fresh start that may be called  say, “The Indian School of Cinema”   ...   Select a neutral location and build on World Standard of The State of the Art of  Cinematographic ( in the Bressonic sense) sensibility and technology, a 'Center of Excellence', where young & old alike can imbibe “Culture”, take long or short duration courses, where creativity, stylistic research & philosophic enquiry can be nurtured at a deep level of involvement   ...    Rahatavalokit  10. 09. ‘13

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